
chat gpt hacks

When it comes to pharmacy management, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence can significantly streamline operations, enhance patient care, and improve overall efficiency. Some pharmacies have already begun using AI to handle a wide variety of tasks. ChatGPT being the most popular tool right now. However, the vast majority of pharmacies (and we’re talking about 90% or so) are still in the dark about it, and are not using it. This is probably because of time constraints.

To help you take advantage of this new resource, we have compiled ten innovative ways ChatGPT can transform your pharmacy. For each one, we have also included a sample prompt to guide you in implementing these ChatGPT hacks effectively.

Did you see our original article on ChatGPT for Pharmacy?

1. Crafting Business Plans

Hack: Utilise ChatGPT to draft a comprehensive business plan that outlines your pharmacy’s vision, mission, target market, competitive analysis, and financial projections.

Example Prompt: “Create a detailed business plan for a community pharmacy focusing on personalised medicine, including an executive summary, market analysis, marketing strategies, operational plan, and financial projections.”

While ChatGPT will not be able to fill in the numbers for your finances or other bespoke metrics, It will provide you with a great business plan structure which saves you time and allows you to focus on running your business.

2. Developing Marketing Plans

Hack: Generate a strategic marketing plan tailored to your pharmacy’s needs, highlighting unique selling propositions, digital marketing strategies, and customer engagement plans.

Example Prompt: “Develop a marketing plan for a pharmacy that specialises in holistic health solutions, including online and offline marketing strategies to increase customer base and engagement.”

This is a great option because you can feed ChatGPT a huge amount of data about your business like your focus, core products, information about your customers etc. Then it will generate a marketing plan tailored to your brief. That can save hours of work, and you can even use the data from your marketing plan brief to generate other marketing materials using ChatGPT. This includes advertising text, emails to customers and social media posts.

Need help creating a plan specific for your business? Get in touch.

3. Designing Pharmacy Floor plans

Hack: Use ChatGPT to brainstorm and outline a customer-friendly and efficient floor plan that enhances the shopping experience while optimising the workflow for staff.

Example Prompt: “Suggest a layout for a small pharmacy that maximises retail space efficiency, improves patient privacy at consultation areas, and ensures a smooth workflow for staff.”

Remember, you can also include things in your prompt to ChatGPT like what products you want to push, what products your customers are most likely to buy and what services you offer. This gives you tailored advice and the ability to quickly generate updated floor plans if you add new products or services in the future.


chatgpt hacks


4. Creating Training Plans

Hack: ChatGPT can help design comprehensive training programs for pharmacy staff, covering topics like customer service, product knowledge, and compliance with health regulations.

Example Prompt: “Create a training plan for pharmacy staff that includes modules on customer service excellence, understanding pharmaceutical products, and adherence to health and safety regulations.”

You can also add things to your prompt like, “Make sure each deliverable is measurable”. This will help you create goals that you can easily track so you can stick to your plan without having to spend loads of time keeping track of nebulous objectives.

Did you see Saam’s LinkedIn post on 10 ChatGPT Pharmacy Hacks? We’ve embedded it here too:

10 ChatGPTpt Pharmacy Hacks

5. Setting Up a Chatbot

Hack: Leverage ChatGPT to set up a chatbot that can handle customer enquiries, provide information on medications, and even assist with refill requests, freeing up staff for more critical tasks.

Example Prompt: “Design a chatbot script for a pharmacy website that can answer FAQs about medications, store hours, and services offered, including handling refill requests.”

You can actually see an example of an AI chatbot by checking out Sam The Pharmacy Assistant. This type of chatbot can be used to answer basic questions, but you can also add in more complicated functionality if you wish.

6. Personalising Health Plans

Hack: Utilise ChatGPT to create personalised health and medication plans for patients, taking into account their medical history, lifestyle, and specific health goals.

Example Prompt: “Generate a personalised medication management plan for a patient with diabetes and high blood pressure, including lifestyle advice and medication reminders.”

This is a great option for streamlining what would otherwise be a long and repetitive task you would need to complete for multiple clients. You can even generate a generic prompt and then just fill in different information based on the patient’s needs. For example, you could include the recommended number of daily calories, dates and times for each medication, and recommended exercises. Plus you could ask ChatGPT to include a daily schedule for each day of the week so your patient had a bullet-pointed list they could follow.

7. Analysing Pharmacy Data

Hack: ChatGPT can assist in analysing pharmacy data to identify trends, improve inventory management, and optimise the product mix based on customer preferences and seasonal demand.

Example Prompt: “Analyse sales data from the past year to identify trends in medication purchases and suggest adjustments to inventory levels and product offerings.”

This hack will rely on your current data as well as ChatGPT. You will need to be able to feed in good sales information to ensure ChatGPT can provide proper analysis. Depending on your data and what you want to know, you may need to ask more specific questions than the above example prompt, simply because ChatGPT will need clear direction to isolate the information you are interested in.



8. Managing Dangerous Situations

Hack: Develop protocols with ChatGPT’s help for managing emergencies or dangerous situations in the pharmacy, such as handling aggressive customers or responding to medical emergencies.

Example Prompt: “Create a protocol for pharmacy staff to follow in the event of a medical emergency within the store, including steps for immediate response and when to contact emergency services.”

It can be difficult to think of all the potential situations that could arise, so you may want to start by asking ChatGPT something like “What are the most common dangerous situations that occur at a pharmacy”. This will then allow you to generate protocols for the list it provides.

9. Generating Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Hack: ChatGPT can help draft clear and comprehensive SOPs for every aspect of your pharmacy’s operations, ensuring consistency and compliance with regulatory standards.

Example Prompt: “I’m a pharmacist independent prescriber. Create an SOP that ensures I can confidently and ethically prescribe Viagra for ED.”

This is a great tool because it allows you to quickly set up SOPs for a variety of medications and situations. That helps you manage your team and ensures all your employees are adhering to the same guidelines in your pharmacy.

10. Providing General Advice

Hack: Utilise ChatGPT for a wide range of general advice, from managing daily operations and customer service tips to staying updated with industry trends and regulatory changes.

Example Prompt: “Provide advice on improving customer satisfaction in a pharmacy setting, including tips on enhancing the in-store experience and effectively responding to customer feedback.”

This last hack is great because it essentially tells you to treat ChatGPT like Google. If you have a question or need something done, start by asking ChatGPT. Often times it can provide a great answer or at least give you the framework needed to solve your problem more efficiently.

Using ChatGPT Hacks For Your Pharmacy

By integrating these ChatGPT hacks into your pharmacy’s operations, you can not only streamline processes and improve efficiency, but also significantly enhance the level of care and service provided to your patients. Embracing AI tools like ChatGPT opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to stay competitive and responsive in the fast-evolving healthcare landscape.

Want more advice on how to use ChatGPT to power your pharmacy business? Get in touch and organise a coaching call with one of our experts.



6 ChatGPT Pharmacy Hacks
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence is revolutionising industries across the board, and the pharmacy sector is no exception. As AI technology continues to develop, tools like ChatGPT are emerging as catalysts for change in how pharmacies operate.
a list of pharmacist and chat GPT related jokes told on the ChatGPT platform: Why did the pharmacy owner hire ChatGPT instead of a new pharmacist? Because it doesn't require coffee breaks or vacations! How do you know when ChatGPT is working in a pharmacy? The shelves are always stocked, and there's never a line at the counter. Why did ChatGPT make the perfect pharmacy assistant? It had a "prescription" for success. What did the pharmacist say when ChatGPT correctly identified a drug interaction? "I guess we'll call it a 'pharmACEutical.'" Why was the pharmacist impressed with ChatGPT's knowledge of medications? Because it had access to the entire "data-scription" list! What do you call ChatGPT when it's integrated into a pharmacy's software? "The Digital Druggist." What did the pharmacist say when ChatGPT predicted the exact number of pill bottles needed for the month? "That's a tough pill to swallow!" Why did the pharmacist never have to worry about ChatGPT running late? It's always on "cloud nine" and ready to work! How do you know when ChatGPT is working at the pharmacy? The staff meetings are unusually quiet! Why did ChatGPT become the pharmacy's most popular employee? It always had the right "dose" of information! Please note that these jokes are intended for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as an indication that ChatGPT will replace pharmacists. The primary goal of AI tools like ChatGPT is to assist and augment human professionals, not to replace them.

Probably the worst application of ChatGPT I’ve ever done, asking it for jokes for this image. Comedians can sleep easy.

In this article, we explore 6 ways ChatGPT can integrate into pharmacy practice, streamlining processes, enhancing customer service, and optimising operations.

Can you start doing all these overnight? No.

Should you start a journey for integrating them today? Absolutely. Unless you’ve got plans with your kids. In which case, do that first. Then, and only then, should you start your pharmacy journey with GPT.

1. Automated Customer Support and “Virtual” ChatGPT Pharmacist Consultations

One of the key applications of ChatGPT in pharmacy practice is automating patient interactions – at least, the ones that happen all day every day. By integrating ChatGPT into pharmacy systems, pharmacies provide instant and accurate answers to customer queries, saving time and resources while maintaining a consistently high level of customer service.

Moreover, ChatGPT can also facilitate virtual pharmacist consultations, giving patients convenient access to professional advice without requiring a physical visit to the pharmacy.

We’re now exploring how we can use ChatGPT in your pharmacy website.

How would this work?

ChatGPT operates by processing and understanding data it’s given. By using Open AI‘s API, then coding a bespoke model/application for ChatGPT, it could understand your pharmacy’s data, such as the data held in your PMR system. Using this would enable it to respond to patient queries about their medication, including anything from asking when their prescription will be ready, to reporting side effects they’re experiencing and asking for advice.

The code could then tell ChatGPT to tell the patient to either seek the advice of a pharmacist or, potentially, raise a red flag in the PMR system based on the Patient’s interaction.

I think an initial issue is patients accepting that they were talking to AI – there are lots of trust issues there (You would absolutely have to be up front about it being an automated response). But this is a barrier to all new tech, and the more people used it, the more used to it they’d get.

2. Drug Interaction Checks and Prescription Validation

Patient safety is paramount in any healthcare setting, and pharmacies play a critical role in ensuring the safe dispensing of medications. ChatGPT can be employed to analyse drug interactions, alerting pharmacists to potential risks and helping to minimise the likelihood of adverse drug reactions. Additionally, ChatGPT can assist in automatically validating prescriptions, identifying potential errors, and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Could Pharmacy PMR Systems then harness ChatGPT? We think so.

3. Inventory Management and Predictive Analytics for Demand Forecasting

Effective inventory management is essential to the smooth operation of a pharmacy. By leveraging ChatGPT, pharmacies can track and manage their inventory more efficiently, optimising stock levels and preventing running out of meds. Furthermore, integrating ChatGPT with external pharmacy data (such as the RPS, GPhC, PharmData) enables better demand forecasting, allowing adjusting inventory and staffing in anticipation of future needs.

4. Staff Training and Education

Pharmacies utilising ChatGPT as an educational resource to train staff on new medications, procedures, and regulations, ensuring a highly skilled and knowledgeable workforce would be possible right now, with the right development.

This AI-assisted training can help employees stay current with industry developments and provide the best possible care to patients.

How can pharmacy owners trust ChatGPT enough to use it for training their staff?

Pharmacy owners concerns about relying on an AI system like ChatGPT for staff training are understandable.

Establishing trust in the technology requires:

  1. Validating the information provided by ChatGPT: Pharmacy owners can cross-check the information generated by ChatGPT with reliable sources, such as regulatory guidelines, drug databases, or educational materials.
  2. Combining AI assistance with human expertise: ChatGPT can be used as a supplementary resource alongside traditional training methods, providing staff with a comprehensive learning experience.
  3. Monitoring and adjusting: Pharmacy owners can regularly review and assess the quality of the training materials generated by ChatGPT and adjust their approach accordingly.

Regarding the validation of the information provided by ChatGPT, it should be possible to code ChatGPT’s API to integrate with the resources you yourself as a pharmacist would trust…meaning it has access to all the right information.

So far, my partner, who is a tax advisor who hates ChatGPT conceptually, has begrudgingly conceded that it knows the tax legislation pretty well. It’s answered things it took her 20 minutes to look up, instantly. Of course, it’s human nature to want to double-check this, but overall, AI is only as good as the data it’s trained on.

Giving it access to the same data you have means it’s probably going to be fine.

5. Personalised Medication Reminders and Patient Engagement

Improving patient adherence to medication regimens is crucial in achieving better health outcomes.

Pharmacies can use ChatGPT to send personalised medication reminders via text or email, making it easier for patients to remember when to take their medications. Additionally, ChatGPT can help pharmacies engage with their patients through tailored content and targeted marketing campaigns, promoting specific products or services and fostering long-term relationships.

Sending personalised medication reminders via text or email using ChatGPT requires integration with the pharmacy’s software systems. Here’s how this can be achieved:

  1. Establish a secure connection between the pharmacy’s software and ChatGPT API, allowing the AI to access relevant patient data, such as medication schedules and contact information.
  2. Develop custom scripts or applications that utilise ChatGPT to generate personalised reminder messages based on the patient’s medication regimen.
  3. Integrate the ChatGPT-generated messages with the pharmacy’s existing communication systems, such as email or SMS platforms, to automatically send reminders to patients.

6. Continuous Process Improvement

Pharmacies can harness the analytical capabilities of ChatGPT to evaluate operational data and identify areas for improvement. By continuously refining workflows and customer service, pharmacies can ensure they remain competitive and provide optimal care to their patients. Again, this would require investing into custom development, but the investment would be a fraction of the value generated, especially since the investment is ad-hoc and the benefits are ongoing.


The integration of ChatGPT into pharmacy practice holds immense potential to revolutionise the industry and change pharmacists’ lives by automating key processes, improving customer service, and optimising overall operations. As AI technology continues to advance, the applications of ChatGPT in pharmacy practice will only expand, paving the way for a more efficient and patient-centric healthcare experience.

Much of these require additional development on the pharmacy’s own site. Using ChatGPT’s API as a foundation, however, this is possible.

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how is big data changing pharmacy
Big Data played a massive role during the pandemic, and it’s set to continue changing the world of pharmacy.

Big Data affects pharmacy owners and pharmacists of any kind. And its impact is growing exponentially. How can I say that with such certainty? Because Big Data is shaping the future, which affects everyone. But in this article, we’re concentrating on the specific impact that Big Data may hold for pharmacy in the future.

What is “Big Data”?

Big data is information, and lots of it. So much, in fact, analysis by anything other than powerful computers is impossible. In healthcare, hospitals and clinics across the world generate 2,314 exabytes annually. An exabyte is to a gigabyte what the Sun is to the Earth. If that seems like too much to wrap your head around, it’s because it is. Even traditional computers cannot compute that much data.

Every minute, on the Internet:

  • 2.1 million Snapchats sent.
  • 3.8 million searches on Google.
  • 1 million people log into Facebook.
  • 4.5 million videos watched on YouTube.
  • 188 million emails sent.

That’s a lot of data. And though it might not seem like it, data tells stories. Advancing into a more data-centric world, understanding these stories influences our capacity to adapt.

Working against the numbers is like sailing against the wind. Working without numbers is like sailing without a compass. Naturally, working with the numbers is the preference. So a future with more numbers gives us a better chance of making better decisions.

How does Big Data work with AI?

Artificial Intelligence is inextricably linked with Big Data. AI learns best with the massive amounts of information provided by Big Data. And Big Data is too big for anything except automated systems and AI to collate and manage.

So how can Independent Community Pharmacy use all that data?

Because of the scale of Big Data, I can’t see Community Pharmacies harnessing Big Data directly. The infrastructure required isn’t affordable or even worthwhile for a comparatively small business.

What is a possibility is centralising all this data and making relevant data accessible to pharmacies. Third party service providers utilising Big Data may also improve the quality of life for Pharmacists, as we’ll explore later.

It’s also likely with pharmacy’s integration with the rest of the health service, that as Big Data impacts healthcare, pharmacy will feel the ripple effects.

Your pharmacy’s data as part of Big Data

Rather than using the Big Data, Community Pharmacy may find itself being used by Big Data. Community Pharmacies provide anonymised patient data into the huge database, where it can provide that bigger picture. Obviously this is a subject of much discussion, balancing privacy and data-protection with the wider benefits of data-sharing from a health perspective.

Since companies like Meta & Google already harvest (anonymised) personal data for profits, lobbying for improved individual healthcare through shared data doesn’t sound too underhanded.

Privacy Concerns

Protection of this data from privatisation & for-profit ventures, however, is a notable concern. There is a lot more red-tape, as always, when it comes to health data too. A technical employee from Facebook hypothetically seeing information about your account is one thing. But health records are a more serious breach.

When it comes to Big Data, a single Community Pharmacy may also be impacted, not because of what you can see and action because of that bigger picture, but because you’re a part of it. As the bigger picture is seen clearly, decisions could be made which hold ramifications for every community pharmacy, or individual ones. An example could be the value of individual pharmaceuticals if the processes for drug trialling becomes radically simplified.

Another practical example is identifying certain geographical areas prescribing more antibiotics compared to other areas. Regulatory bodies can identify pharmacies and surgeries in these areas using Big Data and run targeted campaigns aimed at either reducing these prescriptions, or increasing them in surrounding areas if they’re also showing reduced hospital admissions.

Is Big Data impacting pharmacy right now?

Big Data is very much underway as a phenomenon in the both the industry and the wider world.

Tracking footfall with smartphone GPS

There exists already an advanced form of advertising tracking, typically for humongous advertising behemoths (think McDonald’s level), where through smartphone tracking, advertising agencies can trace someone who was within line of sight of a billboard, for example, and then visited a McDonald’s restaurant.

Like any technology, when first introduced, they’re expensive and generally unavailable to the wider public. But just like 4KTV’s, Smartphone location tracking draws nearer to the mainstream. It already exists in diluted form, if you’ve ever seen on your Google My Business profile, this is GPS phone tracking in action.

Imagine this, but with more insights for your pharmacy business. Where do they travel from? Where did they go before your pharmacy? What’s the average age of people who visit you on a weekend? How many of the people who saw your social media post visited your pharmacy in the next 7 days?

How might Big Data impact Community Pharmacy in the future?

Big Data’s impact on Community Pharmacy will increase exponentially, parallel to data’s impact on our lives in general.

The limitation is the same as data’s limitation has always been – the people analysing the findings and the way that we collect data.

  • Drug development
  • Patient compliance
  • More data informed patient health & proactive interventions
  • Risk assessment & fraud reduction
  • More efficient clinical trials
  • Assisting with Pharmacy Purchasing, both for purchasing pharmacy assets and pharmacy businesses.

Not all of these directly impact pharmacy, but pharmacy feels the ripple effects of the shock waves in healthcare.

How wearable technology helps Big Data

Wearables are small electronic devices that, when placed on your body, can help measure temperature, blood pressure, blood oxygen, breathing rate, sound, GPS location, elevation, physical movement, changes in direction, and the electrical activity of the heart, muscles, brain, and skin.

These measurements help with all levels of assessment for a wide variety of ailments.

Think about trying to diagnose someone without any information. Naturally, the more informed we are, the better our judgment becomes.

Informing Patient Interactions with Big Data

Big Data from health apps, medical records and other sources revolutionise your conversations with patients.

Pharmacy is an analytical profession. Interpreting patients data alongside Big Data trends means better prescribing pre-treatment, and better medication assessments post-treatment. Of course, for individual care like this, opting-in to data tracking becomes necessary for patients.

As a pharmacist, there will almost certainly be a consultation opportunity either to address these Early Warning Signs, or to monitor the use of and advise on the data provided by wearable technologies so that it never reaches that stage.

Wearables should in theory hand agency and power over to the patients. Whether this inspires a new generation of health-conscious patients, time will tell.

What are some of the barriers to Big Data for Pharmacy?

The biggest barrier is in both the centralisation of data and the privacy associated with data tracking. Maybe approval for centralised data never arrives. Perhaps in ten years, the public are hyper-aware and precious about their personal data and turn GPS tracking off.

Preventing databases from hacking and exposing large amounts of people’s health data is obviously a great concern. Mitigating and preventing this is necessary before approaching anything like centralised health data.

Whoever holds the data holds the power

Meta & Google currently hold vast quantities of the world’s data. They don’t exactly hold the best reputation as a result of the profits from this data. When basing big decisions on the data, trust in the source and credibility of this data is a pre-requisite. Large corporations hardly have a clean record of telling the truth with data.

What do I need to do as a pharmacist?

Informing your decisions with data is always a smart move. Big Data will bring more data to your door. Getting experience handling and basing business decisions on data now is great preparation for a data-filled future.

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artifical intelligence in pharmacy
With massive advances in recent years, AI in pharmacy isn’t far away. And the changes AI will bring to pharmacy promise to be massive.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial Intelligence is another term for machine learning. It traces its roots back to World War 2. Alan Turing, a renowned logician, was recruited to break the German military’s Enigma Code – a process that could not have been achieved by humans. The machines (called Bombes) learned what to do, effectively by learning what not to do, using laws of logic. Similarly, machines are now more than a match for humans at Chess, demonstrating that when it comes to logic, the human brain has limitations that machine learning does not.

Whilst the application of AI has advanced significantly since then, the core concept of how it works is pretty much identical. Humans use available information as well as reason in order to solve problems and make decisions, so why can’t machines do the same thing?

The limitation has always been the amount of information that computers can store. But increasingly, with storage (where the AI stores its knowledge) and the data sets (from which AI can learn) both massively increasing over the decades, this limitation is a thing of the past.

AI is inextricably linked to Big Data, which is just as important, if not moreso, as the data is what gives the AI the information to learn. There’s no point in having a big brain if you never learn anything. Arguably, AI is worthless without the data to learn from, whereas we’d at least be able to interpret Big Data in a limited capacity with our soft, human brains.

word cloud featuring pharmacy, data, ai, pharmacist and other associated words

How does AI impact Pharmacy right now?

The frontline of pharmacy is probably yet to feel the full force of the impact AI is making on the wider Pharmaceutical Industry. Whilst facial recognition and speech pattern monitors can be used to detect rare diseases, it isn’t like these systems are in operation in community pharmacies.

Something that is more accessible is compliance technology. though perhaps not in the guise that it’s needed quite yet.

Another accessible option for pharmacies is artificial intelligence Sentiment Analysers, which are in a trial phases of a rollout for things like phone calls.

Sentiment analysers

Sentiment analysers are artificial intelligence programmes that analyse either text, or speech & voice patterns and detect in real-time how a person is feeling based on that analysis. If you’ve ever used Grammarly, and it’s shown you how your writing might come across to your readers, that is sentiment analysis at work.

Now, you might think it’s obvious when someone is angry at you on the phone. And it is. But over the course of hundreds of phone calls, seeing the analysis of the trigger words which cause this anger, as well as the words used to calm people, might well give you insights leading to more effective phone conversations. Not only for you, but your entire team. This is the sort of insight that it’s almost impossible to analyse when we’re the ones holding the phone conversations, as we’re usually focused on what we’re doing, rather than analysing ourselves.

How can AI impact Pharmacy in the future?

The limit to this question will be found in the limitation of the human imagination. Pointed in the right direction, and given the right data, there aren’t many areas that AI can’t improve.

  • Drug development & efficacy (both linked to genetics)
  • Patient compliance
  • More data informed patient health & proactive interventions
  • Risk assessment & Fraud reduction
  • Driverless Delivery
  • Sentiment Analysers
  • More efficient clinical trials

Not all of these directly impact pharmacy, but pharmacy feels the ripple effects of the shock waves in healthcare.

These are the areas that AI can impact pharmacy. But let’s look in more detail at some of the areas where AI almost certainly will impact Pharmacy in the future.

Driverless Delivery

Driverless cars across all roads are still decades away, say experts in the field of AI. But the rollout of smaller, driverless delivery vans like the type that deliver Domino’s Pizza are on the horizon.

Depending on your model, your preferences and your priorities, you might reject this idea.

“I like my delivery driver and they have a great relationship with the patients,” you say. I think that there’s definitely a big argument for retaining the service of a delivery driver. Especially considering serving an elderly population who aren’t tech savvy. They aren’t going to want to start messing around with PINs sent by text and entering it into the van. And there’s also a strong argument for the social contact that delivery drivers give isolated patients being a part of the service to the community.

However, there is a credible argument for utilising both driverless and driver…ful vans. Just like the Pharmaself24 works alongside your counter staff, the driverless delivery van could be a great addition to your arsenal. It gives a green option to a more tech-savvy, environmentally conscious generation. And a more convenient option to those who don’t need social contact from the delivery driver.

From the perspective of a pharmacy business owner, it’s another case of automation making fiscal sense. Why pay for another delivery driver and a van, when you can just pay once for a driverless van? That isn’t necessarily a rhetorical question, but it’s certainly one you’d consider from a business perspective.

Monitoring Patient Behaviours

AI can revolutionise healthcare, not just pharmacy.

It would rely on some sort of large shared database, as machines, like humans, can only learn from information they have access to. But coupled with Big Data from health apps, medical records and other sources (ideally encrypted, protected from third parties and shared across healthcare institutions) Artificial intelligence should allow frontline healthcare professionals like pharmacists incredible insights to inform patient conversations with.

Imagine having the knowledge that 43 year old men statistically don’t finish their course of antibiotics, or that people from a certain background traditionally don’t respond well to a certain medication. Think about how much great advice you can give. If you weren’t in a care setting, you’d clap your hands together and evil laugh with all the power now at your disposal. And I painted that hyperbolic picture tongue-in-cheek because, naturally, patients still need to be treated as individuals. This sort of power shouldn’t blind us to the need for individual care. But it certainly makes giving tailored care easier.

heart rate monitor on a wearable watch


This is an important one for pharmacies to pay attention to for two reasons.

AI knows cardiac patterns which lead to serious issues, and people wearing health tech can be given early warning signs. The more innovation happens with wearables, the more interventions can be made proactively, instead of reactively. Which in healthcare, makes a massive difference. It’s a lot easier to prevent a heart attack than it is to recover from one.

As a pharmacist, there will almost certainly be a consultation opportunity either to address these Early Warning Signs, or to monitor the use of and advise on the data provided by wearable technologies so that it never reaches that stage. AI will do most of the legwork here when it comes to interpreting and analysing the data. As the pharmacist, it will be your job to give tailored advice based on the AI’s findings. Perhaps it’s a dietary change, perhaps an increase in exercise, perhaps it’s a prescription. Either way, it’s very similar to general health checks now, except far more informed by data, not only from that specific patient, but by all the data gathered by wearables.

Pharmacies perfectly positioned purveyors

The second reason this is important for pharmacists, is because pharmacies should already be looking to be leading distributors of wearable health technology. When people buy in-person, it’s because they want advice about the products from experts. Who better to sell wearable health technology than the health professional who works with them? When the world of wearables reaches its peak, you don’t want to be just learning about them. This is a relevant retail offering, and the sooner you get on board, the better for your pharmacy business. Activity trackers are only the beginning of wearable health tech. Innovations in this area will continue to develop, with nano-technology making the wearables less cumbersome and easier to wear. But it is AI, which makes everything possible.

Of course, there’s going to be people who reject wearing technology, for a number of reasons. So it won’t immediately make every patient interaction super easy. But for the ones who do, you can look forward to better informed consultations.

Monitoring Fraudulent Behaviour

It feels as though I read about a struck-off pharmacist every other week for some fraudulent behaviour or other. But the beauty of AI, especially when coupled with shared data, such as from SystmOne, is that once fraudulent behaviour happens, and happens, and happens again, the system learns the unconscious patterns in an organisation that lead to fraudulent behaviour. The financial world deploys similar systems. In fact, $217 billion has been spent on AI systems preventing fraud and assessing risk within the banking industry alone. Obviously, the expense of these systems is large (these systems usually start at around £100k), however, as technology advances, it will grow increasingly more affordable.

It isn’t just pharmacist fraud either. Prescription fraud faces a tough future, (provided we move to a fully digitised system,) not just with AI detecting fraudulent patient behaviour, but also from blockchain technology. Blockchain is actually the better of the two at stopping fraud (certainly for now) as current anti-fraud AI technology doesn’t work in real-time.

Could A.I. go badly for Pharmacy?

We could wish for AI tomorrow and end up regretting embracing the technology too fast, or for the wrong reasons, Black Mirror style.

What’s the worst that could happen?

Well, probably the worst-case scenario is the malevolent use of Big Data. There’s a definite argument for whoever controls the data holding too much power. Especially as corporations, whose primary directive is to make more money, are the ones investing heavily in AI. This is especially true if one company ends up as the dominant force in the industry.

Coincidentally, a short while after I wrote the sentence about Big Data being used malevolently, I came across a company called Benevolent AI, involved in drug discovery & development. It’s either sheer coincidence, or the AI industry is already proactively setting the perception this kind of criticism.

AI – Always Infallible?

There’s also the potential for AI to get things wrong. When you consider that it learns solely from data, without the experience or the perspective of a human, then what happens when the data it’s making decisions on is inaccurate, or incomplete? For instance, facial recognition technology isn’t as effective on Black & Asian faces. Imprisoning incorrectly is an issue. Diagnosing incorrectly and prescribing medication for an ailment someone doesn’t have? Also not ideal. Now, there are failsafes we can put in place. But misinterpreted data, or conclusions drawn from incomplete data are potential pitfalls that need accounting for.

What do I need to do as a pharmacist?

Eventually AI will go mainstream and become the default in healthcare settings. As and when this happens, naturally everyone must adapt.

But until that point, my advice is proactively seek out these technologies and innovations, as soon as you can. They make your life easier, and your patients lives better.

Why would you not want that as soon as possible?

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