

What is PharmData?

PharmData is a platform that uses the data for Community Pharmacy provided by the NHS Business Services Authority and produces statistics for 5 Key Performance Indicators, which are:

  • Prescription Items
  • Prescription forms
  • Medicine Use Reviews
  • New Medicines Service
  • And EPS uptake

Not only does it produce great visual statistics for your pharmacy so you can track your performance over a period of time, you’re able to track your performance against your competitors and view the GP prescribing statistics in your area.

Data analysis is a crucial part of any pharmacy business because it can help you understand where your strengths and weaknesses lie, thus helping you make better business decisions. The great thing about PharmData as a comparative tool is that it highlights the threats and opportunities for your business which can help you adjust your overall strategy.

As pharmacy manager myself, as well as being the owner of an online business, I understand the importance of analytics. For the pharmacy I work in, PharmData is helping us understand our competition better and what the current market is like in our catchment area. I believe this to be an essential tool for Community Pharmacy.

Subscription to PharmData costs a very cool £2.99 per month and you can access the platform here.

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