
The Omnichannel Approach

In an age where pharmacies are rapidly evolving beyond traditional roles, embracing innovative strategies to stand out and succeed is crucial. With the advent of Pharmacy First and the growing trend of private clinics, pharmacies are at a pivotal point.

Enter P.R.E.S.C.R.I.B.E.S, a marketing methodology designed to catapult your pharmacy into the forefront of healthcare services.




The Need for a New Approach

As pharmacies expand their scope to include clinics, both under the NHS and Privately, the competition intensifies. It’s no longer just about dispensing medication; it’s about becoming a comprehensive healthcare provider. This shift demands a robust, dynamic approach to marketing and patient engagement. That’s why we developed the P.R.E.S.C.R.I.B.E.S Method – to help you strategise and implement what’s needed for growth in the new era.

  1. Presence Online: Your digital storefront. A user-friendly, informative website is your first step in attracting and retaining modern healthcare consumers.
  2. Regular Blogging: Become a trusted source of health information. Regular, SEO-friendly blogging drives organic traffic and establishes your authority.
  3. Email Marketing: Forge stronger connections. Regular updates, health tips, and personalised content keep your patients engaged and loyal.
  4. SEO: Be the top choice. Optimise your online content to ensure your pharmacy is easily found by those seeking healthcare solutions.
  5. Campaigns on Google Ads: Expand your reach. Targeted ads place your services in front of the right audience, increasing visibility and patient influx.
  6. Reviews: Build trust through transparency. Showcase patient feedback to enhance your pharmacy’s credibility and attract new patients.
  7. Integrated Payments: Simplify the patient experience. Offer convenient, secure online payment options.
  8. Booking System Online: Maximise accessibility. An efficient online booking system ensures patient convenience and streamlines your operations.
  9. Effective Design: Reflect your quality. A well-designed website speaks volumes about the professionalism and care you offer.
  10. Social Media Engagement: Build a community. Engage with patients on social media platforms to strengthen relationships and foster a sense of community.


Setting you up for success

As Pharmacy First heralds a new chapter for pharmacies, adopting the P.R.E.S.C.R.I.B.E.S methodology is not just an option; it’s a necessity for those looking to lead in this new era. It’s a comprehensive blueprint that aligns your digital presence with your in-clinic excellence, ensuring your pharmacy is not just a choice, but the choice for healthcare consumers.

Keen on discussing this? Get yourself booked in!

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